We usually have a selection of Sale BBQs and Barbecue Accessories available to buy for your outdoor leisure space. These may be models from previous years or discontinued designs. Or, they may simply be items that we have bought in large quantities and want to reduce stocks.

Weber Q 1200N Gas Grill with Side Tables and Compact Stand

Weber Q 1200N Gas Grill with Side Tables and Compact Stand
Weber Q 2200N Gas Barbecue with Side Tables and Compact Stand

Weber Q 2200N Gas Barbecue with Side Tables and Compact Stand
Kadai Firebowl 70cm on High & Low Gothic Stands

Kadai Firebowl 70cm on High & Low Gothic Stands

Kadai Firebowl 80cm On High & Low Gothic Stands

Kadai Firebowl 80cm On High & Low Gothic Stands